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Our team consists of yoga teachers, dance coaches, artists, breath supervisors, coordinators, volunteers and more.

They work together on a varied program at WOLk.

At WOLk, the community and equality are central
of the individuals first.

Hank and Solve

I am Henk Abel, founder of
Center Adem-Halen Rotterdam. 

My profession was teacher, physiotherapist, acupuncturist, shiatsu therapist and now breath coach. Together with Solve I facilitate breathing circles, (breathing) workshops, individual breathing sessions, sound healings and ceremonies with medicinal plants. 


Solve is a breath coach, sound healer (individually and in groups), facilitator of ceremonies with medicinal plants.


Together we give breathing circles every Thursday evening at WOLk.



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Marta Hryniuk is a yogi, artist and filmmaker.She has been practicing yoga for over 10 years, exploring her own practice and gradually learning how different styles cater to different bodies, temperaments and moments in life. She is an advocate of functional yoga, recognizing that every body is different, with its own needs and limits. She believes yoga should be accessible and fun.


As a filmmaker, Marta works a lot 'in the field', but also spends a lot of time behind her computer. Practicing yoga helps her to keep the balance between thinking with the mind and with the body, directing the energy from the head to 'hara' or belly.


In WOLk she teaches a yin yang class: a balancing combination of energetic yang flow with slow, nourishing yin poses.




Jasper Saris organizes constellations at WOLk.He was born in 1964 and father
of three grown children.In addition to working in science - and in particular human genetics - he has gained a lot of experience with NLP and all kinds of other training, after which he eventually started working more and more with constellations. He has followed the year training Intuitive Constellations with Hylke Bonnema and various masterclasses. He is mainly 'on' to body work and men's work (m/f).


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Mary Handrikmanis the founder of WOLk and is responsible for the day-to-day management. She has also been a resident of Oud-Charlois for 16 years. Her motto; 'Art and consciousness is for everyone'. She makes that her daily work; WOLk to share in an open way, in which personal development, creativity and above all a lot of fun and relaxation are central.


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Become a program maker too!

WOLk still has room for makers. Are you looking for a location to organize activities or events, or to give 1-on-1 sessions? Or do you want to become a structural part of the WOLk community with your program? Then look at the pagesrent space of participateand nplease contact us for more information.


Pauline Schreurs is project leader at WOLk and mainly focuses on the art programme. She is trained as a museologist and works as a project and program coordinator of various cultural and artistic projects in Rotterdam and Mexico. She is also a yoga teacher, meditation coach, masseuse and breathing coach, in which she serves all target groups; from the very young to the elderly.


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My yoga adventure started about eight years ago and what started as a workout has now become a lifestyle.Yoga expands my consciousness and strengthens my stability and inner joy. About three years ago I completed the teacher training at Yoga Vidya and I teach classes based on the teachings of Swami Sivananda, which is accessible to everyone.



Olya Ananda Shakti

My mission is to provide a deep spiritual and healing experience to my participants based on Yoga, Energy Healing and Vedic Astrology.

My yoga classes can be physically challenging and provide deep relaxation. I teach participants to develop awareness of the body and mind. 


I give:

 • Traditional Hatha yoga classes from a holistic approach (In the tradition of Swami Sivananda, among others).

• Creative yoga classes (Vinyasa Flow). with innovative elements.

• Meditation and relaxation classes, such as Yoga Nidra.

• Yoga classes for people with physical limitations are welcome with me.

I also started giving Energy Healing at WOLk and I offer readings based on Vedic Astrology. 



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All space

'Out of school, into the neighbourhood!'

In the programs of “Alle Ruimte” children and young people go to work  in the workshops of craftsmen and artists in the Oud-Charlois district. The focus is on discovering, making and learning with head, heart and hands. All Space connects existing forces nearby.

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In WOLk I give Qigong, energy work and martial arts classes. I am an eclectic person. If I want to describe myself, it resembles the story of four people. But, I feel like a whole person when I can create, learn and share through mindful dance, martial arts and theatre. It all came together in my ritual dance method called 'Step out of the Story'. 

I am a theater maker. In Prague I was a director, dramaturge and performer in my own theater company for drama and ritual dance. I have been practicing martial arts since I was 13. To further explore my life story, please visit my website:



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My name is Rita.Over the past 10 years I have followed various courses and personally experienced that Reiki is the safest, most reliable and most powerful form of healing for me.form of therapy.


While giving Reiki I discovered that I am the greatest beneficiary myself. I know how to love myself and live in the moment, be thankful and experience abundance. I started giving Reiki courses to let others experience what it's like to feel this joy. Besides giving Reiki treatments I also give Reiki to animals, Reiki courses and Sound Healing at WOLk.





My name is Vincent Malambo Hamubolo and I provide Baobab African massage at WOLk.I am originally from Africa, Zambia to be precise. I like to look for solutions to problems by thinking outside the box. Loving people is also in my nature. My passions are fitness, art, entertainment, massage and nature.

At WOLk I provide African holistic and spiritual treatments that connect people in a powerful way with their inner selves. I use different techniques, use authentic wooden tools and use healing African music during the massages. Baobab African massage stands for creativity and joy.


Curious about my other offer?

Then visit my




Mary Handrikmanis the founder of WOLk and is responsible for the day-to-day management. She has also been a resident of Oud-Charlois for 16 years. Her motto; 'Art and consciousness is for everyone'. She makes that her daily work; WOLk to share in an open way, in which personal development, creativity and above all a lot of fun and relaxation are central.



My name is Rita.Over the past 10 years I have followed various courses and personally experienced that Reiki is the safest, most reliable and most powerful form of healing for me.form of therapy.


While giving Reiki I discovered that I am the greatest beneficiary myself. I know how to love myself and live in the moment, be thankful and experience abundance. I started giving Reiki courses to let others experience what it's like to feel this joy. Besides giving Reiki treatments I also give Reiki to animals, Reiki courses and Sound Healing at WOLk.



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Lody is werkzaam als freelance marketing- en communicatieadviseur en gespreksfacilitator.

Al meer dan 10 jaar is ze actief in de Nederlandse dans- en theatersector.

Belangrijke focuspunten in haar werk zijn meerstemmigheid, talentontwikkeling en community. Als facilitator bouwt zij heldere containers voor moeilijke gesprekken en diepgaande verbinding. In haar werk combineert zij communicatietechnieken met Authentic Relating, Mindfulness, dans- en contactimprovisatie om het fysieke bewustzijn te vergroten en de wereld om ons heen te onderzoeken.

Zij werkte met Theater Zuidplein, Schouwburgplein Rotterdam, Dansateliers en uiteenlopende gezelschappen en volgde trainingen bij onder andere Authentic Relating Training Europe en Authentic Revolution.

Sinds begin dit jaar organiseert zij om de week Authentic Relating Nights in WOLk. Quess what? Ze zijn altijd vol, dus ben er snel bij!


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